Sunday, April 15, 2007

Exclusive Reactions From Around The Footballing World

Mourinho: Who's saying my team is boring?

Henry: Yaaaaawwwn!!!

Becks: I'd rather listen to Victoria's CDs than watch Chelski.

Kaka: Please..... don't force me to open my eyes... I beg you!!!

Cannawaro: Watch a Chelski match? Never!!

Carsten Jancker: I height vatching zose borrrin tomfoolz

Soldiers: Even we in Iraq are depressed!!

Distraught Fan: Sweet heavens.... not another Chelski match!!!!

Distraught Fan: Somebody kill me now....

Distraught Fan: I can't believe I'm watching this crap....

Zidane: Watching Chelski makes me wanna plunge a rivet into my eyes!
Figo: And it makes my scalp itchy.

Terry Butcher: Watching Chelski makes me wanna club myself in my own head!!!

Marco Metarazzi: Watching Chelski makes my poor eyes bleed!

Sheringham: Watching Chelski makes me so outraged it gives me spasms!

Gattuso: Watching Chelski makes me wanna strangle someone!!
Lippi: Heeelp!!

Scholes: Watching Chelski gives me an almighty headache!!

Nedved: You call this football??!!

TrapattoniL Man, not those boring 1-0 grinds AGAIN!!

Ronaldo: Snooze-fest!

Totti: Watch Chelski! Snoresville!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Human Rights

1.) We are all born equal : We all have the same right and oppurtunity's regardless of race , color , gender etc.

2.) Don't Discriminate : To treat a group of people or one person unfairlly because of their age group, ethnic background, religion, or gender.

3.) The Right To Life : The right to exsist to live in the world.

4.) No Slavery : A person owned by another that has no freedom at all.

5.) No Torture : To hurt someone because you wnt them to confess to something to cause theam harm.

6.) You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go : The right to be free and make decisions no matter where you go.

7.) We Are All Equal IN The Law : rules made for the people by the government to inform the people on what they can and cannot do.

8.) Your Human Rights Are Protected By The Law : To protect against any harm or danger to protect the people.

9.) No Unfair Detainment : Don't confine someone because of race, ethniticity.

10.) The Right To Trial : To hear a case in the court of law to determine if a case is based on truth or false accusations.

11.) We're All Innocent Until Proven Guilty : not guilty of some crime or sin; blameless until proven otherwise.

12.) The Right To Privacy : To be free from being observed or disturbed by other people.

13.) Freedom To Move : The ability to go where ever you please.

14.) The Right To Seek A Safe Place To Live : To be free to seek a safe shelter, comfort of where you'll feel safe enough to live.

15.) Right To Nationality : To be free to belong to a certain nation by having been born there or by having been made a citizen of it, and the right to practice that nationality.

16.) Marriage And Family : To be free to marry who you want and have a family together.

17.) The Right To Your Own Things : To be able to keep and buy your own things.

18.) Freedom Of Thought : To be free to think and believe what you want.

19.) Freedom Of Expression : To be free to exsprees yourself through music, words, feelings, clothes etc.

20.) Right To Public Assembly : The right to come togetheras one and protest.

21.) The Right To Democracy : When the people hold the ruling power, usually giving it over to representatives whom they elect to make the laws and run the government.

22.) Social Security : A governmental system that provides benefits to retired persons, the unemployed, and the disabled. Also any government system that provides money assistance to people with inadequate or no income.

23.) Worker's Rights : The right for workers to be able to do something or receive a freedom to do something.

24.) The Right To Play : The right to be free and play where they want at their own time.

25.) Food And Shelter For All : The right to recieve assistance for food and shelter when in need.

26.) The Right To Education : The right to recieve a good education to learn.

27.) Copyright : To copy someone elses information.

28.) A Fair And Free World : The right to live without fear, not under the control of another; not a slave or not in prison an honest and just world.

29.) Responsibility To be accountable to somebody or for something, to take care of a thing or person or looked after.

30.) No One Can Take Away Your Human Rights ; Your human rights are not allowed to be taken away unless convicted of a crime.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Collection of Cool Ads

Optimism Vs. Pessimism

Some people see the glass as half empty. Others see it as half full. But is it really as simple as that? Is it possible to be a bit of both? What are the advantages and disadvantages to both? Maybe there is more to both mind-sets.

When you think about it, most people tend to be an optimist sometimes and a pessimist other times. Ironically, a lot of times things turn out how the people tend to feel about them. If a person feels like something will go well or feels optimistic about it, it usually seems to go well. The same is true of the reverse. When someone feels like something will go badly, it tends to do just that.

So why is this?

Henry Ford once said, "If you think you can, or you think you can't, you are right!" Does this mean that what we think about, whether positive or negative, tends to happen? The only answer that I can really give to that is yes, but very basically. We cannot simply think things into existence, no matter how optimistic we are, if that is all we do. And when it comes down to it, that's not really optimism, but delusion.

But then is there any real difference between pessimism and optimism if, when it comes down to it, the results aren't any different? The short answer is yes, with an added but.

Pessimism will tend to lead to bad outcomes, whether it is because you just think things will turn out poorly and thus do not take any action, or because the pessimism will color your actions and choices and as a result you tend to do things that will make the result what you expected, the bad outcome.

Now where the but comes in with optimism is that the mere act of thinking either optimistically or pessimistically will for the most part produce not much difference in outcome, with perhaps a slight edge to the optimist. However, when you add positive, productive action to that optimism, this is when truly amazing things can happen. You can be as optimistic as you want that you will find a way to get the money for that new car or new house, but unless you are including the productive action that helps to push things to that end, you will never get there. The difference between only thinking optimistically and thinking optimistically while acting in a productive manner is kind of like saying to an empty fireplace "Give me warmth and then I will put some wood in you".

I once knew a woman who always said, "I would rather expect the worst and be pleasantly surprised on the rare occasion when good happens than be disappointed all the time". This pessimistic attitude of hers has brought her nothing but misery and strife, and yet she still thinks it has nothing to do with her. She does not realize that her pessimism is coloring her entire life and making the bad things she expects to happen actually happen. My response to her was always, "I would much prefer to expect the best and enjoy what life gives me than to constantly worry about how bad things are." For a long time, we had the same results. Then I realized that I needed to do my part and put positive, productive action behind my thoughts. And while I am not where I want to be yet, I have moved much closer to it and have been much happier along the way.

So I would say to you: be optimistic! Expect the best out of life! Expecting the best out of life is better than being miserably pessimistic. Above all though my optimistic friend, don't forget to do your part to not just think but also act optimistically.

Where to Find True Romance

What is true romance? Has anyone ever set parameters that define the state of true romance? Take the movies for example. Can romance be disguised as a thriller or an action drama? Take some of these classics when thinking about true romance.

Some movie fans have claimed that they find Sir Anthony Hopkins' portrayal of the infamous Hannibal Lector as romantic. Okay, so he's a bit off the deep end, but how many people do you know who would actually chop off his own hand to save you? If that isn't a sign of true romance, what is? Actually, if you think about it long enough, you wonder what the bloody heck he did with the handcuff key in the first place. He could have saved himself the trouble, but it's the thought that counts, right?

What about the Phantom of the Opera? All he wants is to be loved by Christine, for crying out loud! Why can't she get beyond the scars? What defines true romance if it's not the desire and yearning found within all of us to love and be loved? And consider Quasimodo, from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Yeah, he's appearance-challenged, but what a guy! How can you deny that poor man's sense of chivalry and loyalty? All he wanted was to be loved as well, and he risks his all to save Esmeralda. Again, what is true romance? True romance is indeed found in the eye of the beholder.

Women must always strive to realize that true romance is more than candlelight, roses and candy. We also realize that true romance is more than syrupy endearments and undying declarations of love, but again, there's some ancient thing inside of us that, for some silly reason, yearns to hear it anyway. Authors create wonderfully romantic characters, characters that many of us would like to call our own. Why in the world can't we train our guys to behave like that, anyway? Perhaps that's the reason for creating the romance genre. This way, we can finally have true romance in the man of our dreams. You think?

Most of us are mature enough to understand that the men we date or are married to aren't nearly as 'romantic' as their fictional or movie counterparts. Don't ask why not, but that seems to be the way it is. They may not measure up to the physical standards portrayed in many books and films, but who really cares? Our men are real. They're flesh and blood and if we're really lucky, they stand by us through thick or thin and shopping sprees. On paper and film screens, we see our 'true romance fantasy guys' at their best.

What, after all, actually constitutes true romance? Is it a candlelit dinner, or cuddling in front of a fire, or roller blading with your guy or just hanging out with each other? It should behoove us to remember that true romance comes wrapped in many different packages. It may come silently like a tender hug in the middle of the night, or warm bodies to lean against as you watch television. True romance may be a smile sent your way or a casual touch of the fingers. True romance doesn't have to sweep you off your feet, although that would be a nice sensation as long as you don't get hurt in the process.

A Little About Me!!